Sunday, November 9, 2008

Guns, burning crosses, angry white men, and other stupid shit.

Along with all the people who are celebrating a new era in American history, are those who are terrified that their grasp on power is loosening, and are pulling all kinds of stupid shit in response to the election. 

Like, for example, the people who thought it was a good idea to burn a cross on an Indian-American guy's lawn in New Jersey because his wife had created a banner congratulating President elect Barack Obama on his victory.

And then there are those who are just threatened by the possibility of change they embodied in President-elect Obama, even though some of them nominally support change. There's something a little terrifying to me about the fact that America is arming itself with record speed even though Obama confirms our right to bear arms. Glenn Parshal, a gun retailer in Las Vegas says, "One of the strangest things that I've had happen the past few weeks, is I've had a lot of people come in here wearing Obama buttons and Obama t-shirts, in here to buy guns, they tell me they're in here to buy 'em before he bans 'em." 

I need to follow this up with a photograph from the country road I take home from Ann Arbor. The local resident there initially set up a wooden, spray-painted sign informing passing motorists that "SOCIALISTS ARE THIEVES." Now, he's added two more, including one warning us to "LOAD UP ON AMMO."


Mister Goat said...

Load up on ammo? Next to a sign that's a clear reference to the President-elect? Those folks may want to set out the welcome mat for a check-in visit for the Secret Service. And while I'm no fan of excessive use of police powers, I think this would be pretty well-justified.

Ms Heather said...

see, that's what i'm thinking, too.

my very first response to the signs (even before the ammo one) was fear, and a sense that these people are hostile and threatening.

when the ammo one went out i just thought . . . OMG. i don't know what it's going to be like to live in the country surrounded by a bunch of angry, disenfranchised white people.

Mister Goat said...

Yeah. Though i guess the big question is how different it will be. i mean, they likely weren't very deeply enfranchised under Bush...but the angry part may rise now. Hopefully not high or for long.