Saturday, December 6, 2008

Roma and lead poisoning in Kosovo

Another heartbreaking story from Europe.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I am in 8th grade and my English teacher assigned me an assignment about the lead poisoning in Kosovo. I am wondering if the UN is helping to this problem and are helping the Roma gypsies. Please post a comment ASAP.


Ms Heather said...

Hello, anonymous 8th grader. I'm interested that you found your way to my blog in connection with this topic. Honestly, the particularities of the situation in Kosovo are something I don't know much about personally, so I recommend that you read some articles on the topic. I understand that Paul Polansky has worked for many years in that community, so I'd start there. Good luck!

Ms Heather said...

PS. Here's a link to an article by Polansky.