There's really no doubt about it: This is totally an insane life. After not writing a word all semester for a professor's eyes other than emails, I'm now on my 47th page in a week. Thank God for snack food, no neighbors complaining about my late-night music or observing my computer light on at 2 am or my belly-dancing around the cottage to keep myself sane. Thank God for Regina Spektor and the ability to wear my pajamas without showering all day long while I sit here artificially constructing a qualitative paper as the first step in a hypothetical mixed methods study for university administrators interested in the needs of graduate students in terms of their work spaces for scholarly labor. Thank God for my amazing talent for bullshitting. Thank God I'm almost finished with the phase of my graduate life where I'm working simultaneously on four degrees, and where I'm effectively doing three jobs. Because, um, can I just say again how totally unsustainable this is!?