Friday, January 30, 2009

The photo above, from Amazon Watch, is a human banner created by indigenous persons demonstrating at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Brazil, to raise awareness about the deforestation of Amazonian rainforest.

Living deliberately

My neighbor had me over for coffee this morning, which was just so lovely. She's a really interesting, creative, generous person, a gardener and a baker, who thinks deeply about things and does lots of engaging activities, and is always a source of joy and light in my world. A recent retiree from Ford, she has a really different set of experiences from me, but a similar world view in many ways, and it's fascinating to talk with her. We talked about singing, about death and loss, about her involvement in the threshold choir, about the nature of leadership, and most of all about the inauguration. We shared pannetone and her homebaked ginger and coconut cookies over the coffee and I played with her cats. I could see this being a wonderful regular Friday occurrence when I'm hiding out in the cottage reading about Native American and Aboriginal Australian child policy for my social work prelims.

I have a new toy, which I love. I was inspired when I saw that my favorite aesthetician in Ann Arbor believed in it. Wow. My face has never before felt so soft and clean.

It continues to snow and snow. The icicles are giant out here.

I haven't the slightest idea how I can catch up, I am so behind from being away for a week so early in the semester. I guess I'll buckle down this weekend and see what I can do.