Sunday, March 9, 2008

come join the youth and beauty brigade

Well, I came up with an interim solution, until I can find the guide to usher me out of my existential maelstrom. REBOUNDING!

Herr, lehre doch mich

I think I've finally figured out the correct metaphor for how I've been feeling.

It's as if there is an elephant sitting on top of my soul.

And though I'd benefit from talk therapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, grief counseling, and many other varieties of therapy, what I could probably most use is a shamanic healer.

Is this just another bump in the road in grad school? Is existential crisis part of the routine?

There are books staring at me from across the room. Can I open them? What am I so afraid of?
god, i am so coveting a hybrid right now.

Digital Landscapes of Maori Memory

Dude, this upcoming lecture and workshop sound really cool.

Dr. Samuel Mann, Otago Poltechnic, New Zealand

The SimPā project aims to convey and strengthen research aspects in regard to Māori culture, tikaka and knowledge using game‐based and digital technology. In short, the project aims to provide a means of telling whānau, hapu and Iwi Māori stories in 3D game format. This development has benefits in terms of both technology and cultural awareness and the fusion of these two: Iwi digital content. The project will achieve this through active engagement and participation with Iwi through Runaka (local tribal council) engagement and member participation to recreate landscapes in a digital format. We will discusses learnings from the first stage of the project the creation of the “SimPā toolkit” to enable participatory development (he kohinga o nga mea rauemi). This includes communication and negotiation processes, technical choices and issues surrounding the recreation of narrative histories including the notion of object‐based storytelling. We discuss an unexpected twist that has seen the project take a quite different track from that originally expected.

What: Public lecture and workshop
When: March 10, 2008, 2 pm, public lecture
March 11, 2008, 2:30 pm, workshop
Where: Ehrlicher Room, 411 West Hall (both events)

More: Prof. Mann has been working with Khyla Russell, a Maori anthropologist, on mapping Maori memories. Their work should be of interest to School of Information people, computer scientists, anthropologists, and Native Studies scholars.

(Khyla Russell profile)