While we're at it . . . I'm also incredibly curious about
this, a new book by an old friend of mine. To see more of the photographs, (or for the German-speakers among y'all), see the
book's website.
Marcell is someone I met years ago in Lisdoonvarna, Ireland, who caught my attention immediately as someone intensely thoughtful and sensitive, who pursued his interest with passion and focus and a refreshing lack of cynicism. He also took photographs that had a way of showing you an entirely new glimpse of something, even if you'd seen it a thousand times, whether it was a face, a metro station, or the old stove you cooked on in your own kitchen. Back then in the mid-'90s, he had penetrating things to say about Yugoslavia and beautiful images to accompany his ideas in one of those rare slideshows you wish would never end. We haven't been in touch in a very long time, but I still follow his career with interest.
Dear Heather,
... some say that in writing the first sentence is the most difficult step to do. I guess, I just write this to get over that obstacle. Otherwise I'd probably sit for another hour infront of an empty hmmmm... winword. (where has ink and paper gone to? Reminds me that the last handwritten letter I ever wrote was mailed to Santa Cruz) Lack of cynicism, penetrating things to say, the mid-'90s. I wonder what a decade does to people. Reading this I do remember how I have been back in '96 and '97. The values, the ideas, the imbalance, the struggles, the immaturity. Seems that so much has changed, inside and outside. Well, no miracle that.
One piece of memory, after having read some entries from the Kitchen Empress. You introduced me to the merits of garlic. Which I hated previously. I remember a conversation on the train between Ennis and Dublin where you explained the qualities of garlic and mangoes. That actually did quite some change.
best wishes
For what it's worth, I think you were plenty cynical in your own ways back then. Just never about what you loved.
I can't believe you've found me. It is a good reminder that we're never islands on the internet. A comforting reminder, in this case, for sure.
And it delights me to know that I converted you to my side when it comes to garlic.
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