Monday, January 21, 2008

Magnetic Fields -- Distorted

For those of you who love Magnetic Fields as much as I do (Oh, 69 Love Songs -- who can resist lyrics like "I can keep it up all night, I can keep it all day; let's pretend we're bunny rabbits, until we pass away")!? you can listen to their new album, Distorted, for a limited time streaming on their myspace page. And, other exciting news -- they'll be on tour soon. Perhaps worth a drive to Chicago. hmm.


j-dub said...

ooo...we've been looking for a good excuse to head to chicago.

katie always sings:

"come back from san francisco,
It can't be all that pretty"

Ms Heather said...

that would be super awesome if we could swing it.

(when all of new york city's missing you . . .)

xo thanks so much for all the fun and joy yesterday.